About 10th Session of ATM task force

 On 1-5 September 2009, the 10th Session of the ATM Task force in the Eastern part of the ICAO European Region (ATMGE / 10) was held at the ICAO European Office. The experts of the Interstate Aviation Committee, the states participating in the intergovernmental Agreement on Civil Aviation and on the Use of Airspace - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, as well as Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Eurocontrol and ICAO took part in the meeting.

     The participants of the meeting discussed issues of significant events in the states within the framework of ATMGE authority, the development of air navigation services, flight safety, the introduction of a new format for ICAO flight plans in 2012, etc.

    Sergey Gergitsu (Moldova) was elected Chairman of ANSD / SG subgroup, and Sergey Nersesyan (IAC) was elected deputy Сhairman of the subgroup.
     The terms of reference of ANSD/SG have been defined in accordance with ATMGE recommendations approved by COG/49 EANPG:
- analysis of the current communications, navigation, surveillance infrastructure for its adequate functioning in the interest of ATM in the countries of the eastern part of the ICAO European Region;  
- identification of necessary infrastructure improvements, including timing of their implementation;

- identification of necessary infrastructure improvements that cannot be fulfilled without additional support or assistance;

- identification of obstacles towards achieving ATM objectives;

- development of procedures to support planned CNS/ATM implementation initiatives;

- definition of future operational requirements for airspace management in the eastern part of the ICAO European Region;

- in close cooperation with other interested bodies, to define ATM procedures for the implementation of communication, navigation, surveillance systems in the eastern part of the ICAO European Region.

     The next ATMGE/11 meeting in the ICAO European Office is scheduled for 2-5 March 2010.