The Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace (hereinafter - Council) was established on the basis of Article 8 of the Interstate “Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace” of 1991 (hereinafter - Agreement) in order to coordinate activities in the field of civil aviation, including flight safety, policy of international air transport, use of airspace and air traffic management, the coordinated implementation of interstate regulations, international standards and rules in the field of civil aviation.

The Council is an interstate body of States Parties to the Agreement and consists of their Plenipotentiaries determined in accordance with the national legislation of the states.

The activities of the Council is based on the Agreement and other international agreements in the field of civil aviation, to which the States Parties to the Agreement are parties, taking into account their national laws.

In accordance with the Agreement, the Council, by its decision, may grant the status of associate members or observers to the interested states.

Decisions of the Council are taken as a rule by consensus.

The Chairmanship in the Council is held by the member-state of the Agreement represented by its Plenipotentiary Representative (hereinafter referred to as the Chairman) on a rotational basis. According to the Regulation on the Council, the Chairman of the Council is the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation in the Council, Vladimir Poteshkin.

The Interstate Aviation Committee ensures the work of the Council and the implementation of its decisions