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Conference on aircraft ground de-icing/anti-icing (2023)

On September 20, 2023, within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project RER/01/901 "Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness" in the Member States of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Use the Interstate Aviation Committee supported by State Research Institute of Civil Aviation (GosNII GA), Moscow Domodedovo Airport, Siberia Airlines JSC held the conference on aircraft ground de-icing/anti-icing. 

About 100 experts from the Member States of the Agreement, specialists of aviation authorities, leading airlines, training centers and aviation enterprises took part in the Conference. 

The participants presented the reports on:

  1. New 9th edition of Methodological recommendations "Aircraft ground de-icing/anti-icing";

  2. Accidents and incidents related to poor quality aircraft de-icing/anti-icing;

  3. Edition of GOSTs based on Methodological recommendations "Aircraft protection from ground icing";

  4. Procedures of quality control of deicing liquid at de-icing/anti-icing enterprises;

  5. The wortk of the association of airlines on quality control of organization of aircraft de-icing/anti-icing in the Russian Federation. Airport procedures; 

  6. Contribution to leveling risks in the field of de-icing/anti-icing; 

  7. Aircraft de-icing with running engines at special sites;

  8. Decision making during aircraft de-icing. 

In the new 9th edition of the Methodological Recommendations "Aircraft protection from ground icing" new sections, as well as liquid consumption rates for various types of aircraft, aroused great interest among listeners.

Particular attention during the conference was paid to the issues of ensuring flight safety during aircraft de-icing/anti-icing, the role of the human factor, a responsible and informed approach in decisions on preparing aircraft for departure.

Participants emphasized the need to expand training of qualified personnel for conducting aircraft de-icing/anti-icing and flight crew training. 

Issues related to the research and creation of domestic anti-icing liquids, including those based on ethylene glycol, were also discussed.

The presented 9th edition of the Methodological recommendations for aircrat de-icing to improve flight safety was highly appreciated and approved by aviation experts in the region.

Participants noted the significant contribution to ensuring flight safety in the states of the region through the annual holding of conferences on anti-icing in snticipation of autumn-winter navigation.

Attached documents:

Форма бланка-заказа процедур ПОЗ. Вариант 1 (360.31 KB)

Форма бланка-заказа процедур ПОЗ. Вариант 2 (366.49 KB)

Методические рекомендации «Защита самолетов от наземного обледенения». Издание 9. Сентябрь 2023 (1.31 MB)