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Special course on the construction of the newest in the civil aviation A350 aircraft

Within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project RER/01/901 “Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness in the Member States of the Agreement” in the period from 11 to 14 February 2020 Special Courses on the construction of A350 aircraft, its systems, engines and flight navigation complex took place in the IAC Headquarters. Distinctive characteristics of the new aircraft from the A320, A330, A340 and A380 aircraft family were presented.

The Courses were conducted by Airbus experts (Hamburg Training Centre, Germany) for the specialists from the CAAs, airlines, airports, educational centers of the Members States of the Agreement and the Interstate Aviation Committee.

The participants have studied the mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, fuel, pneumatic systems and constructions of the A350-900 and A350-1000 airframe modifications.

Functional possibilities of the navigation, radio navigation systems, automated take-off and landing systems, communication, air conditioning and fire protection systems, anti-icing systems, flight data registration and reservation systems have been studied in detail.

The participants have also studied the construction of the new generation aviation engines, which the A350 aircraft is equipped with, electronic systems of the engine control and regulation, as well as the auxiliary power-unit (APU).

Various types of the applied composite materials (carbon-filled plastic, glass fiber, synthetic fiber (Kevlar), etc.) their advantages and disadvantages have been presented in detail.

These Courses have received high appreciation, their importance and significance for the specialists from the flight, engineering services and inspections of the CAAs of the Member States of the Agreement and aviation service providers has been noted.