On October 21-23, 2009 in Moscow, Interstate Aviation Committee the meetings of representatives of the Interstate Aviation Committee and Aviation Authority of Columbia - Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronautica Civil de Colombia (UAEAC) were held.
As a result of the meetings, the following documents were signed:
- Agreement on cooperation in the field of airworthiness;
- Procedures for the implementation of this Agreement with the approval of UAEAC of the aircraft structures, engines and propellers manufactured in Russia;
- Memorandum of understanding in respect of aircraft accidents investigation.
The signing of these documents contributes to the expansion of cooperation between Russia and Columbia in the field of civil aviation flight safety and will also reduce the economic burden on aviation industry and operators of both parties due to mutual recognition of civil aviation equipment certification systems..
The Agreement was signed by The Interstate Aviation Committee Chairperson T. Anodina and General Director of Unidad Administrativa Especial de Aeronautica Civil de Colombia Mr. Fernando Sanclemente Alzate.
The meetings were attended by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Colombia in the Russian federation and in the Republic of Belarus Mr.Diego J. Toban E.
Previously, the similar agreements were signed with the United States, the European Union, India, China, Iran, Brasilia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, etc.