About the range of activities on certification of communications equipment
The Interstate Aviation Committee carried out the range of activities on certification of VHF communications equipment of 4200 series of Rode and Schwartz, Ltd.
Based on poeitive results of certificationntests the IAC Commission took decision to issue to Rode and Schwartz, Ltd type Certificates
- № 487 for VHF transceiver XU4200 6130.2000.02 (118 – 137 MHz, class of signals emission А3Е, А2Д);
- № 488 for VHF transceiver XU4200 6144.7400.02 (118 – 137 МHz, class of signals emission А3Е, А2Д);
- № 489 for VHF transceiver XU4200 6144.7300.02 (118 – 137 MHz, class of signals emission А3Е, А2Д);
- № 490 for VHF transmitter SU4200 6144.7500.02 (118 – 137 MHz, class of signals emission А3Е, А2Д);
- № 491 for VHF receiver EU4200С 6144.7800.02 (118 – 137 MHz, class of signals emission А3Е, А2Д).
Compulsory limitations and maintenance instructions of specified equipment contain maintenance documentation in Certificate limitations.
Special limitation has been introduced for VHF communications equipment of 4200 series:
Transceivers XU4200.6130.2000.02, XU4200 6144.7400.02 and XU4200 6144.7300.02, transmitter SU4200 6144.7500.02 , receiver EU4200С 6144.7800.02 can be used at atmospheric pressure not lower than 658 hPa (493 mm Hg).
Additional reference information is available at:
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Muehldorfstrasse 15, 81671 Muenchen, Germany.
Тel: +49 89 41 290, fax: +49 89 41 29-121 64.