About issuing by EASA of limited category Type Certificate for Ka-3211VS helicopter
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Within the framework of Airworthiness Certificate signed by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) the mutual work of EASA, IAC and Kamov Company on certification of Ka-3211VS helicopter in European Union has been completed. EASA issued Limited Type Certificate for helicopter.
Helicopter is fitted with ТV3-117VМА engines of Russian manufacture (designer - Plant named after V. Ya. Klimov, Saint-Petersburg, manufacturer - "Krasny Octaybr" plant (Saint-Petersburg) and domestic avionics.
Ка-3211VS is export model of Ка-32А helicopter previously certified by the Interstate Aviation Committee. Kа-3211VS helicopter is transport category helicopter and designed for transportation of cargo up to 5 tons inside fuselage and at external load, and also firefighting activities.
Having unique performane data this helicopter is most successfully applied for extinguishing fires in such countries as Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, etc.
Certified in Canada it is effectively operated in this country for logging and transporting cargo at external load successfully competing with helicopters of such brands as «Sikorsky», «Bell», it is also operated in Switzerland, South Lorea, China and Japan.
Ка-3211VS helicopter model is highly in demand among Russian-manufactured helicopters at international aviation equipment market, and EASA certificating significantly expands the export potential of this helicopter.