About certification of brake decelerometer IKS-1 SATL.468331.001 owned by Sozvezdie Investment Company, LLC
The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment carried out the range of activities on certification of brake decelerometer IKS-1 SATL.468331.001 owned by Sozvezdie Investment Company, LLC (Russia).
Based on positive results of activities carried out by the IAC Commission the decision on issuing type Certificate N 483 was taken.
Compulsory limitations and maintenance instructions of specified equipment contain operational documents listed in Certificate limitations.
Special limitations are imposed on brake decelerometer IKS-1 SATL.468331.001:
Equipment can be used under:
- air pressure from 995 hPa to 1021 hPa;
- temperature from - 100 С to + 240 С.
Additional information is available at:
Sozvezdie Investment Company, LLC,12, Panfilova str, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 195027, tel/fax: (812) 335-13-58.