About 28th session of Coordinative Advisory Aeromedical Council
On 15-19 June 2009 the 28th Session of Coordinative Advisory Aeromedical Council (6th retreat) with the participation of representative from Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Russian Federation and Ukraine, as well as the head of Eurocontrol (Belgium) and medical expert of European Aviation Safety Agency (Germany) was held.
In opening the meeting the first deputy of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus
The main report "Features of medical flight safety of civil aviation of the contracting states of the Agreement and ways of its improvement" was made by the chairman of CAAC, Professor V.D. Vlasov.
The following reports of the Council participants were heard and discussed:
- "Legal and expert aspects of medical and psychological examination of aviation personnel", by the head of Civil Aviation Medical Service of the Aviation Department of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus S.Y. Slastnikov;
- "The effectiveness of medical flight safety according to flight personnel supervision data by medical examiners in accordance with JAR FCL-3", by the chief of the Department of Aviation Medicine of the State Administration of Ukraine A.A. Bandura;
- "New European rules for flight safety of civil aviation", by the medical expert of European Aviation Safety Agency V. Valentukevicius (Germany);
- "Frequency and severity of cardiac arrhythmias among flight personnel and issues of medical and flight examination", by the head of the Health Center "Health" of "Tajik Air" national air carrier of the Republic of Tajikistan, by N.G. Ismoilov;
- "On training of aviation doctors in the Republic of Belarus", by the Deputy Head of the Department of medical support of armed forces and extreme medicine, by Pantukhov A.P. and a number of others.
On 15 June 2009 Belarus TV broadcasted the opening of CAAC Session and brief information about it was provided. It was emphasized that the CAAC IAC Session on urgent issues of medical flight support, dedicated to the urgent issues of medical flight support was held for the first time in the Republic of Belarus.
The issues on "Professional expertise and pre-shift examination of controllers" and "Diagnostics, deseases prevention and rehabilitation of aviation specialists", "Human factor and flight safety" and "Sanitation activities and anti-epidemic measures" were considered in the following days.
Much interest was focused on the following reports:
- «Comprehensive educational programme for prevention of heart diseases among GA specialists» (N.A. Kermakunova, Staate Enterprise "Kyrgyzaeronavigatsia", Bishkek);
- «Modern approaches to diagnostics, expertise and prevention of vestibular disorders among flight personnel» (Y.A. Sokolov, PhD 223 Aviation Medicine Center, Minsk);
- «To the issue of health status among air traffic controllers of Ukraine and their expert assessment» (A.P. Kaniskin, "Kyivcenteraero" Regional Branch, Ukraine);
- «Civil Aviation rules on flight time» (Y.V. Dunaev, expert of flight personnel trade union, Syktyvkar, Russia);
- «Risk factors for atherosclerosis development among ATC personnel, its prevention» (L.I. Vasilyevich, «State Institution "Civil Aviation Medical Service", Minsk, Republic of Belarus);
- «Conflict, development, course, ways of resolution» (I. A. Boykova, Ph.D, Head of the Department of Psychotherapy of Belarusian Medical Academy of postgraduate aducation, Minsk, Republic of Belarus);
- Medical flight safety support «Uzbekistan Airways» (S.K. Shorakhmedov, Ph.D., head of health-care service);
- «The emotional sphere in the professional experience of a flight attendant» (T.V. Filipieva, Ph.D., aviation psychologist, Russia);
- «Emotional burnout syndrom among aviation specialists» (N.N. Protko, 223 Aviation medicine center, Republic of Belarus);
- «Minor cardiac abnormalities among flight personnel: expert approaches» (Y.A. Cherepkov, 223 Aviation medicine center, Republic of Belarus);
- «New directions of ICAO and European Union in certification of aviation specialists». «Information on the activity of European Society of Aerospace Medicin» (Roland Vermeiren, Eurocontrol, Belgium);
- «The role of the sanitary and quarantine service in the protection of borders from the import and spread of quarantine and other dangerous infections» (B.S. Shaikhin, Department of State Sanitary Inspection for Air Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
A total of 28 reports were heard and discussed. CAAC session was held in friendly and warm atmoshpere with high activity of its members. Deficiencies in execution of some state regulatory aeromedical documents were emphasized. Information on swine flu and its prevention was presented.
The attention was paid on the necessity of implementation of Aviation regulations «Medical certification of aviation specialists» and «Medical flight supportin civil aviation» approved by the Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace, as well as CIS Healthcare Cooperation Councl.
It is recommended that the aviation authorities of the contracting states of the Agreement on Civil aviation and Use of Airspace should establish aviation medicine departments and appoint a consultant coordincator for this activity, as well as acceleration of introduction of "aviation medicine speciality" and corresponding posts in the nomenclature of ministries of health of states.
CAAC approved preparation of Guidance manual on first aid to passengers in flight with its publication, implementation of flight medical expertise of the GA of modified sample with cumulation of accelerations of Coriolis, modification of the medical book for aviation specialists, as well as publication of the Aviation Rules «Disinfection of GA aircraft GA...» and the methodical recommendations «Prevention of malaria among aircraft crews».
The need to study food ration of flight personnel and test natural food products in the conditions of aeromedical institutions was emphasized followed by its implementation into flight practice.
CAAC decision project was unanimously approved by the council members.
It was offered to hold the following 7th CAAC retreat session in the Republic of Tajikistan.