About 34th Session of the Council of plenipotentiary contracting states representatives of the Interstate Agreement
34th Session of the Council of plenipotentiary contracting state representatives of the Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on December 6 with participation of representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
The issues related to flight safety were considered at the Council Session. The International Fund report on flight safety (accident global and region of CIS states statistics) was presented.
Operative recommendations on flight safety were reported to plenipotentiary state representatives.
New Aviation regulations editions concerning airworthiness regulations of rotary-wing aircraft, light aircraft and aeronautical equipment certification procedures, organisations of aircraft designer and manufacture were adopted. The issue on flight safety inspectors training within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project was considered.
Regulation on all considered agenda items was adopted as a result of the Session.