The Commision on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee completed its activity on certification of the manufacturer of claimed equipment for aerodromes and air routes of "Corporation - Electrosignal Novosibirsk plant" (hereinafter "Electrosignal corporation" JSC) and on July 29, 2014 issued 3 years validity:
- Certificate № 126 for manufacture of «Polet-1М1» IGLM.464421.001 radiostation and its modification IGLM.464421.001-01;
- Certificate № 127 for manufacture of «Polet-М1» IGLM.464318.005 receiver;
- Certificate № 128 for manufacture of «Polet-1АМ1» ИГЛМ.464115.051 transmission unit and its modification IGLM.464115.051-01;
- Certificate № 129 for manufacture of "Yurok-A" radio communication equipment:
radiostations IZh1.101.055-02.01 and IZh1.101.055-02.02;
receivers IZh1.101.055-02.03, IZh1.101.055-02.04;
- Certificate № 130 for manufacturer of "Yurok-N" radio communication equipment:
- radiostations IZh1.101.055-03.01 and IZh1.101.055-03.02;
- receivers IZh1.101.055-03.40, IZh1.101.055-03.41, IZh1.101.055-03.42, IZh1.101.055-03.43, IZh1.101.055-03.44 and IZh1.101.055-03.45.
Additional information is available at:
"Electrosignal corporation" JSC
31, Dobrolyubuva str., Novosibirsk, 630009, Russia
Tel/fax (383)266-37-34, E-mail: