Interstate Aviation Committee statement
The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) strongly supports the Resolution 2166 of the UN Security Council from July 21, 2014 on the necessity of full, thorough and impartial international investigation of the fatal accident with B-777 aircraft operated by "Malaysian Airlines" in accordance with guidlelines of international civil aviation with the ICAO decisive role and in coordination with other international organisations which include the IAC as regional international organisation in the field of flight safety and accident investigation.
On July 17 from the first day of this tragedy the IAC works in close collaboration with the ICAO, specialists of independent accident investigation authorities and maintain international aviation community approach including participants of regional Agreement on aviation comprising Russia and Ukraine as well that the investigation is conducted in accordance with Annex 13 of the ICAO Chicago Convention.
On July 22, 2014 the IAC accredited reresentative initiated its work in international investigation commission of the accident with Boeing-777 which was established after adoption of UN Secretary Council resolution and participate in decoding of flight recorders including "black boxes" in Great Britain.
The IAC expresses its graditude to the ICAO Secretary General, UN Secretary Council representatives. states for mutual work in such tragic for community and complicated for all global aviation period and is ready to ensure implementation of the ICAO Chicago Convention key approaches for civil aviation which should be the safest means of transport and communication. The IAC appeals states, international organisations and all international aviation community to unite specific measures development in order to ensure civil aviation flight safety in armed conflict zones.