About issuance of type Certificate to COMSOFT GmbH Company
The Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee (the IAC Commission) carried out the range of activities on certification of AIDA-NG message switching center of COMSOFT GmbH company (Germany).
Based on positive results of certification tests the IAC Commission took decision to issue type Certificate № 629 to COMSOFT GmbH company.
Compulsory limitations and maintenance instructions of AIDA-NG message switching center contain maintenance documentation specified in Certificate Limitation.
Special limitations are introduced to AIDA-NG message switching center:
• automated work station of AIDA-NG system can be used:
- in AMHS subsystem only at the basic service level and under the protocol X.400 P3 in CP/IP net;
- with user interface in English language;
• AIDA-NG system equipment can be used under the environment temperature from +10 °С to +35 °С.
Additional information is available at:
COMSOFT GmbH Company (Germany)
Wachhausstraße 5a, 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany.
Tel: +49 721 9497-0, fax: +49 721 9497-129