About the meeting of Coordinating council under the IAC
The regular meeting of the Coordinating council under the Interstate Aviation Committee within the framework of the coordinationg activity on upgrading the aviation specialists training system was held in Almaty of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 2-5, 2014.
Representatives of aviation authorities, higher and secondary educational institutions, aviation training centers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvian Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan participated in the Council activity.
The participants emphasized the issues connected with the Council theme - implementation of fligh operation safety management system by providers of educational services.
During the Coordinating council meeting the following issues were considered:
• Updating of regulatory and training documentation - the factor of upgrading the quality of aviation specialists training.
• Counteraction of educational institutions on information exchange using information and telecommunication technologies.
• Upgrading, the system of training, transition training and proficiency upgrading of teaching staff and training instructors.
• Development of up-to-date multilevel system of continous professional training in educational institutions performing aviation specialists training.
• Counteraction of enterprises and educational institutions on management and control of training process based on up-to-date technological base.
• Implementation of modular structure of training programs in occupations and qualifications into the system of continous professional education.
• Development of educational technologies ensuring integration of project and research tasks into training process.
• Implementation of remote educational technologies into the training process.
• Upgrading the training programs taking accidents investigation results into consideration.
• Establishment of unified educational and occupational standards for educational institutions.
Reports and discussions within the framework of Coordinating council meeting will be used to adress problems connected with updating of regulatory framework during training of aviation specialists for civil aviation of the Comonwealth states.