Information on the IAC Aviation Register activities completed by execution of approval documents
1. Activities on qualification of RDTS-450М digital correlator designed by "Element" JSC (Odessa, Ukraine) have been completed.
Component products airworthiness Certificate № SGKI-072-310- RDTs-450М from May 6, 2014 was issued.
2. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate at "PRIMA" research and production enterprise (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) have been completed.
Manufacture approval Certificate № OP108-PKI from April 28, 2014 was issued.
3. Activities on approval of SPS-3G fire warning system manufacture at "DSBA" JSC (Dolgoprudny, Russia) have been completed.
Manufacture approval Certificate № OP132-PKI from April 28, 2014 was issued.
4. Activities on certification of MS-500V turboshaft at "Motor Sich" (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) have been completed.
Type Certificate № ST347-АMD from May 19, 2014 was issued.
5. Activities on certification of Major modification of RRJ-95 aircraft type design have been completed - Enhancing of operating conditions concerning limitation of cross wind value at RWY with low friction Mu-factor.
Supplemental type Certificate № ST322-RRJ-95/D24 from May 20, 2014 was issued.
6. Activities on approval of aircraft materials at NPF "Techpolicom" Ltd (Moscow, Russia) have been completed.
Aircraft materials manufacture Certificate № SPM-33/1 from May 19, 2014 was issued.
7. Activities on validation of manufacture approval Certificate at "VASO" JSC (Voronezh, Russia) have been completed.
Manufacture organisation approval Certificate № OP 03-PVS from May 16, 2014 was issued.
8. Activities connected with issuance of Export airworthiness certificate for Mi-172 aircraft, 410C03 serial number for delivery to the Republic of Korea have been completed.
Export airworthiness Certificate № ESLG-182 from May 8, 2014 was issued.
9. Activities connected with issuance of Export airworthiness Certificate for Ка-32А11ВС helicopter, serial number 5233242210005 for delivery to China have been completed.
Export airworthiness Certificate № ESLG-183 from MAy 15, 2014 was issued.
10. Activities conected with issuance of Export airworthiness Certificate for Ка-32А11ВС helicopter серийный номер 5233242210006, предназначенный к поставке в Китай.
Export airworthiness Certificate № ESLG-184 from May 15, 2014 is issued.