About the emergency landing of Airbus 380 aircraft
Airbus 380 aircraft operated by "Singapore Airlines" going from London to Singapore with 467 passengers and 27 crew members performed the emergency landing due to pressurisation failure in Baku airport on January 5, 2014. The landing was performed in normal mode, nobody from pasengers and crew memebers onboard suffered.
In accordnace with the Annex 13 to the Convention on Civil Aviation and Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace taking Memorandum of understanding in the field of flight safety between the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) and the Accident Investigation Bureau of the Republic of Singapore into account the IAC in accordance with the Azerbaijan State Civil Aviation Authority delegated the accident investigation to the Republic of Singapore as the state of aircraft registration and will participate in the accident investigation process.
Currently the IAC accredited representative is in Baku and he acts in accordance with the extablished procedures.