The workshop on flight safety (FS) inspection procedure within the framework of the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme (USOAP) was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee jointly with the ICAO Regional office on June 16-18, 2015. 62 specialists from 10 states and 2 international and regional organisations took part in the meeting.
On June 16 this year within the framework of the meeting the group workshops on the following topics were held: examining and updating of the continuous monitoring approach (CMA) of the USOAP, amending of protocol matters, USAOP CMA - State flight safety implementation programme review according to the Annex 19, completion of protocol matters procedure and updating of corrective action plan.
Updating of CMA online platform was considered, group sessions on the following issues: access supervision/information panel of a state, arrangement of work on protocol matters, planning and ensuring the implementation of corrective action plans were held during the second day as well.
On the closing day of the workshop the group work on such aspects as making and providing corrective action plans, organisation of work with Compliance checklist/EFOD, electronic supplements the participants discussed the stated topics.
During the meeting the groups work results were approved and the further ways of the developed initiatives in the field of flight safety improvement at the regional level were outlined.
More information about the regional group panel work on flight safety is available at the ICAO European and North Atlantic office web-site (