The Commission on certification of aerodromes and equipment of the Interstate Aviation Committee (the IAC Commission) carried out the range of activities on certification of aerodrome surveillance radar AORL-1AM EL.1.231.020-22 of "Chelyabinsk radio plant "Polet" JSC ("CHRZ "Polet" JSC).
According to the positive results of certification tests the IAC Commission took the decision to issue № 646 type Certificate for aerodrome surveillance radar AORL-1AM EL.1.231.020-22 of EL.1.231.020-22.01 - EL1.231.020-22.04 versions to "Chelyabinsk radio plant "Polet" JSC ("CHRZ "Polet" JSC).
Compulsory limitations and maintenance instruction AORL-1AM EL1.231.020-22 of EL1.231.020-22.01-EL1.231.020-22.04 versions contain maintenance documentation specified in the Limitation to the Certificate.
Additional reference information is available at:
"Chelyabinsk radar plant "Polet" joint-stock company
6, Ternopolskaya street, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
Tel/fax: +7 351 263 53 33, +7 351 265 65 45, e-mail: