About the working meeting
The working meeting with participation of aviation authority representatives, the ATM provider of the Kyrgyz Republic "NPO "LEMP" JSC and the IAC specialists was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on February 25-27, 2015.
The meeting was organized at the initiative of aviation authority of the Kyrgyz Republic and directed in order to implement the multilateration system and the automatic dependence surveillance system allowing to ensure the high quality of air route traffic service in the airport traffic area.
The participants studied the principle of the new equipment operation, its certification and acceptance procedure.
The "NPO LEMP" specialists answered all questions in details, expressed readiness to make the presentation of multilateration aerodrome system in the Kyrgyz Republic, provide all necessary assistance and hold special sessions on training engineering and maintenance personnel of the contracting states of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace on multilateration systems support.
The participants agreed on continuation of counteraction upon this subject, in particular on the coordination of actions on exchanging the experience at sites where the mentioned equipment was already implemented and used and on planning the activities that contribute to the more efficient system acceptance and certification.
The meeting was held in friendly working atmosphere, the participants emphasized the IAC important role in the decision of practical issues aimed at the ATM improvement of the contracting states of the Agreement.