The IAC press-service release
In connection with mass-media appeals concerning the investigation of the fatal accident with B-777 aircraft MH17 flight operated by "Malayzian airlines" occurred on July 17, 2014 at the territory of Ukraine, the IAC press-service informs.
The IAC did not participate in the investigation of this fatal accident. The IAC expert invited by the Chairperson of the International Investigation Commission presented during the decoding of FDR and CVR (flight recorders) information of this aircraft in August 2014 and further did not have access to flight recorders information and its data analysis. The IAC did not get from Investigation Commission neither preliminary nor final reports on investigation results as well as other materials concerning this fatal accident.
As it is reported the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation representative was appointed as accredited representative of this fatal-accident.
The IAC was one of the initiator of the IAC decision about international independent investigation and with satisfaction perceived unanimously taken resolution №2166 of UN Security Council from July 21, 2014 concerning thorough and independent investigation of this fatal accident in accordance with guidelines of international civil aviation and in coordination with the ICAO and other international experts and organisations.
The IAC in its professional activity (500 accidents in 76 countries have been investigated for 24 years) as independent international organisation has guided exclusively by the ICAO standards and guidelines - investigation independence, determination of accidents objective causes, development of measures on their prevention in the future. As a rule all investigation results were made available to the general public. None of them was appealed in procedural order.
Experts not only from countries of our region but other countries including the USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands participated in investigations as well. According to the importance of avoiding accidents with large number of fatalities connected with destruction or widespread damage to civil aircraft as a result weapon use against them (in general more than 50 accidents have occurred since the beginning of 70s), the IAC transferred initiatives and measures to the ICAO Council and they were presented at the ICAO Safety Conference in February 2015 as well in order to prevent the destruction and damage to civil aircraft, vital civil aviation infrastructure objects as a result of military activity, including actual or potential conflict zones.
The IAC offered the ICAO to develop the effective monitoring system for implementation of States commitments to ensure international civil aviation flight safety in its airspace. Taking into account the positive accidents investigation experience with participation of international experts under the authority of the ICAO and international regional organisations (for example, the investigation of fatal accident with B-747 South Korean aircraft hit down by missile) and taking into account that many States don't have necessary technical, financial and material resources it is necessary to investigate accidents with large number of fatalities and affecting the interests of many States by international commissions under the authority of the ICAO and international regional organisations in accordance with the ICAO guidelines and standards.
The IAC expresses sincere condolences firstly to the families and relatives of those killed. Pain from this tragedy will remain in hearts of people worldwide forever.