The signing of Memorandum of understanding in the field of investigation and prevention of accidents in civil aviation between the Accident Investigation Bureau of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (AIB KSA) and the IAC was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) on 17 March 2016.
In 2013 in accordance with the ICAO recommendations, the AIB KSA got the status of independent body in accident and incident investigation and since then has taken the policy of establishing modern high-tech center and expansion of cooperation with foreign colleagues.
During the visit, the AIB KSA specialists attended the IAC laboratory and appreciated the level of the laboratory facilities and the IAC specialists' training, and expressed the wish to establish closer professional contacts between the IAC and AIB KSA laboratories.
The parties expressed satisfaction with the achieved agreement and hope for the further cooperation in order to increase flight safety of civil aviation of both parties.