Flight Data Analysis (FDA) Seminar “Development of Operations Safety and Continuing Airworthiness” within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Regional Project COSCAP-CIS was held in IAC Headquarters on April 12-13, 2016. The Seminar was organized with the support of Airbus, ICAO and IAC. About 100 aviation experts from 12 countries and 3 International Organisations attended the workshop.
During the first day of the seminar following subjects were discussed:
- Safety oversight aspects of implementation of ICAO requirements to establish and maintain a FDA Program;
- Activity of the ICAO Flight Data Working Group;
- Flight Data Analysis in the broad context of SMS;
- FDAP development experience & best practices, “Air Astana” (Republic of Kazakhstan);
- The key role of the Flight Safety Officer;
- Flight data analysis practices within the SMS implementation of the leading Russian airlines.
The study of Flight Data Analysis Methods was continued on the second day; the case of crew interview and occurrence analysis for the potential risks detection was demonstrated.
In the conclusion of the seminar participants highly appreciated the seminar work and emphasized the necessity of developing more actively the cooperation of aviation authorities, airlines and aviation manufacturers.
Aviation specialists suggested to meet for discussion of FDA issues on regular basis. IAC also expressed readiness to become the platform for the development of experts further cooperation in this area.FDG i Activity FDA Seminar Apr 2016.pdf (74.68 KB)