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About the IAC aerodrome visual aids offer in the ICAO working Group

As it was previously reported (March 2016 г.) the issue on elimination of runway visual range (RVR) nonconformities was raised with the ICAO on behalf of the Interstate Aviation Committee in volume I of the Annex 14 "Aerodromes".

The work on this issue is carried out by the ICAO visual aids Working group (VAWG) functioning within the framework of the Team of experts on Aerodrome design and operations (ADOP) which includes the Interstate Aviation Committee expert.  

On May 25, 2014 the additional information on this issue was presented by the IAC at the meeting of ADOP WG2 Working group which was held On May 23-27, 2014 (ADOP/WG/2-IP/03 document and its translation are attached).

The results of this issue review by ADOP WG2 working Group will be outlined in the nearest future. 

Besides the revision of Section 5 "RWY surface smoothness" material of "A" supplement to volume 1 of Annex 14 "Aerodromes" initiated by the IAC within the framework of the participation in ADOP Group is completed. The work on this issue was held by ADOP experts from the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations and the IAC in PSG-subgroup. 

According to the results of work accomplished the amendment 13-A to volume I of the Annex 14 which will be applied from November 10, 2016 is introduced. 

The additional information on the ICAO modified approach to the surface smoothness assessment is available at the IAC web-site in means of compliance with certification requirements to aerodromes (MOS FAR-139), clause 3.3.4 section. 

Attached documents:

ADOP/WG/2- IP/03 (english) (68.92 KB)