The exchange of opinions on a range of issues was held during meetings with managers and specialists of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Civil Aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic. Within the framework of the meeting on the ICAO audit results held in February 2016 the agreements on mutual work on implementation of corrective actions plan and the ICAO Standards and Recommended practices including meetings, training seminars and workshops for the Agency specialists in the field of flight safety, aviation security, aviation medicine, air navigation support, aerodromes and equipment, airworthiness and others are achieved.
Within the framework of the visit the information on the IAC work results, flight safety in regions, development of the activity new directions and enhancing of regional cooperation was presented. The IAC informed the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Civil Aviation Agency authorities on the investigation progress of the accident with B-737 aircraft occurred on November 22, 2015 at the airport of Osh town as well.
The parties emphasized the high level of cooperation achieved for 25-year period of the IAC work. Thus only within the framework of the ICAO-IAC RER-01/901 "Development of flight safety and continued airworthiness" project implementation 323 aviation specialists of the Kyrgyz Republic received training. 20 units of aerodrome equipment certified by the IAC were delivered to the Republic. Activities on confirmation of compliance with requirements of "Manas training center" Air Training Center, Kyrgyz aviation college, "Kyrgyzairnavigation" state enterprise training center were held. Training courses "Organisation and conducting of accident and incident investigation with civil aircraft and flight safety" were held for specialists of civil aviation Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic. 12 accidents with the Kyrgyz Republic aircraft have been investigated on its territory and abroad. Within the framework of the ICAO-IAC project supported by Airbus company the special courses "A320 series aircraft, their systems and engines, flight navigation system" on training the inspectors of the contracting states of the Agreement will be held in Bishkek in August 2016.
According to the meeting results emphasizing high potential of civil aviation development in the Kyrgyz Republic the Parties indicated their readiness for enhancing cooperation and further mutual work in all directions of the Interstate Aviation Committee activity.
The IAC delegation visit is a part of the strategy on enhancing regional cooperation aimed at promotion of development and integration of air transportation systems of the contracting states to the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace, upgrading of flight safety level, support of the ICAO Standards and Recommended practices implementation within the framework of the ICAO initiative "The No Country Left Behind" (NLB), the agreement on implementation of which the ICAO and the IAC achieved during high-level summits last year. Within the framework of this initiative the work in the Azerbaijan Republic, Belarus Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan has started. This practice of international cooperation and best practices exchange will contribute to the development of flight safety in our region.