International conference and 36th Session of Coordinative Advisory Aeromedical Center of the Interstate Aviation Committee (CAAC IAC) on issues: coordination and harmonization of states and international organisations activities aimed at public health threats prevention and management, counteraction of aviation and public health authorities upon civil aviation medical support, prolongation of career longevity and development of flight safety level in general were held in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus on May 23-27, 2016.
CAAC IAC members, representatives of aviation authorities and Departments of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic, Republic of Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), World Health Organisation (WHO), CIS Executive Committee, European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM) and leading aviation companies, scientific, educational and medical institutions of the Commonwealth states participated in the forum session
First Deputy of the of the Minister of Health Pinevich Dmitry Leonidovich on behalf of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Zharko Vasily Ivanovish congratulated forum participants on activities initiation. He emphasized in his speech that aviation medicine of the Commonwealth states having more than century-old history successfully ensures high level of flight safety. CAAC IAC activity, exchange of best practices between forum participants not only maintains but increases domestic aviation medicine achievements as well. Enhancing and deepening of international cooperation jointly by aviation organisations and public health authorities will allow to prevent public health threats as exemplified by CAPSCA Program which is also going to be joined by the Republic of Belarus. Pinevich D.L on behalf of the Department of Health and on his own behalf wished the forum participants constructive effort and professional success.
Adviser of the Department for Humanitarian Cooperation, political and social issues of the CIS Executive Committee Narushevich Georgy Alexandrovich emphasized the efficient performance of the Interstate Aviation Committee and CIS Executive Committee in preparation and implementation of regulatory documentation on medical support of the Commonwealth states civil aviation. He expressed confidence in importance of such meetings on consolidation of efforts of the relevant Commonwealth states government structures with international organisations as well for development of flight safety and prevention of population health threats.
CAAC IAC Chairman Ivashov S.N. presented the main report "CAAC IAC role in establishing common guidelines of civil aviation aeromedical support of the contracting states of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace". Issues and set up goals in the field of aviation medicine considered at the 35 Session of Interstate Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace (Interstate Council) were brought to the notice of the Commonwealth states representatives. Interstate Council and CAAC IAC decisions implemented by the IAC department of aviation medicine coordination and development were reported, further work prospects were offered. It was emphasized that currently civil aviation of the contracting states of the Agreement carries out its activity in dynamic environment, ICAO, WHO new International Standards and Recommended Practices in many health care and civil aviation activities are accepted, new international threats to life and health of population emerged. This demands coordination of states and international organisations activities aimed at enhancing the possibilities on prevention and management of population health threats in civil aviation, enhancing of regional cooperation, counteraction of public health care authorities, aviation authorities aimed at mobilization of resources in achievement of priorities in the field of flight safety medical support, revision and standardization of regulatory framework of flight medical support.
Representative of European Society of Aerospace Medicine (ESAM) Katman E.A. informed the forum participants about the society activity aimed at maintaining high standards of flight safety, strengthening the social rights and pilots employment quality. The report was focused on risk mitigation of psychotropic substances abuse by crew members and pilots psychological (psychiatric) assessment and dynamic tracking.
In remote report the ICAO aeromedical section manager Dr. Ansa Jordan carried out the analysis of Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) Program and emphasized that the Commonwealth states, IAC initiatives on CAPSCA accession will contribute to maintaining population health and development of states civil aviation.
In his presentation the technical international officer on health regulations of WHO European regional office Esenmanov V.A. emphasized the necessity of intersectoral cooperation aimed at public health safety which platform is legally binding International health regulations for all States of the world.
The forum participants considered the issues of civil aviation medical support of contracting states of the Agreement in accordance with the Program.
In order to consolidate efforts of aviation community and public health authorities of the Commonwealth states in implementation of ICAO-WHO Program on Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) global mechanism, harmonization of system, regulatory documents in the field of flight safety medical support and bringing them to international requirements the CAAC IAC members offered to establish on a regular basis the Working group in the Council's composition in the field of CIS healthcare for formulation of specific proposals in this field.
During the course of work the issues considered at the previous Coordination Council sessions have been further developed, the necessity of expeditious implementation in the Commonwealth states of Aviation regulations "Medical requirements of specialists clearance to work that involves harmful and/or dangerous operational factors in civil aviation" approved and recommended for practical implementation by CIS Board of Health and Interstate Council was emphasized.
The forum program included many activities where aeromedical specialists could share their opinions, familiarized with the advanced medical diagnostic equipment, innovations of psychophysiological testing and operators escort with CAPSCA program practical implementation and provision of assistance on board.
CAAC/IAC seminar/workshop jointly with the Institute for retraining and professional development of MES of the Republic of Belarus was held. CAAC IAC members and conference participants were familiarized with training-laboratory and training Institute base, achievements in the field of aviation personnel training on emergency situations and aircraft flight safety, innovative approaches in educational technologies was held. Trainings with "Belavia" Airlines personnel on development of readiness for management and prevention of events in the field public health, and the version of airport emergency services coordination with MES branches for liquidation of aircraft incidents consequences were demonstrated as well. The participants could discuss the educational approaches and define practical activities on upgrading training programmes of different services specialists aimed at flight safety development.
During International conference and CAAC IAC activity period the participants reached understanding on the necessity of consolidation the efforts on enhancing of regional cooperation with international organisations on management of threats for public health and flight safety medical support.
The forum was held in friendly and warm environment with the high level of professionalism and organization of participants. Particular gratitude was expressed to organizers for opportunity of acquaintance with Minsk history and visiting heroic sites of Patriotic War 1812 in the area of Borisovo town. All participants felt huge embodiment of generosity of the people of Belarus.
As a result of forum activity the CAAC IAC Decisions were taken and approved by the Council members.
International conference and CAAC materials were focused on upgrading the aviation medical support, proficiency level of aviation physicians, maintaining health of civil aviation specialists, prolongation of their career longevity in order to develop flight safety.
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