The Interstate Aviation Committee took part in ninth meeting of the ICAO EUR Regional Expert Safety Team (IE-REST/09). The meeting organized by ICAO European and North-Atlantic Office with the framework of Georgia Aviation Authorities was held in Tbilisi on June 15 and was preceded by a two-day workshop on collection, classification and analysis of flight safety events. Over 50 experts from 13 states, 4 international organizations, representatives from aviation industry took part in the meeting.
During workshop the participants exchanged best practices in the field of collection, analysis and protection of information on aviation events. Presentations were made by representatives of ICAO, FAA (USA), Georgia Aviation Authorities, RF Aviation Authorities, NBAAI (National Bureau of Air Accidents Investigation of Ukraine), IATA, IFALPA, Eurocontrol, etc.
In the course of IE-REST/09 meeting work the results of teams work on flight personnel training, RWY safety, collection, classification and analysis of data on flight safety, helicopter flight safety, prevention of CFIT events, safety in the field of ATM were considered. The Interstate Aviation Committee presented working and information documents on the progress of implementation of initiatives on flight safety and flight safety level in civil aviation of the Member States of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace. Further ways of developed initiatives implementation in the field of flight safety at the regional level were outlined and material for the report at the ICAO EUR/NAT coordinating council was prepared.IE-REST team was established in 2013 on ICAO European and North-Atlantic Office initiative to support the development and implementation of initiatives and measures on flight safety promotion in the part of ICAO European Region which is not under regulatory framework of European Commission and EASA in accordance with aims and goals of European Regional Safety Group (RASG-EUR).
Initiatives and measures on flight safety level promotion are currently being implemented by harmonized efforts of international and regional organizations, regulatory authorities in coordination with service providers, airlines and aircraft manufactures.