15th session of IAC Coordination Commission on Air Navigation (hereinafter CCAN) was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on June 21-23, 2017.
Representatives of aviation authorities and providers of air navigation services of the Member Sates of the Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace, representatives of industrial enterprises, designers and manufacturers of ATM equipment and technology of Russia and Republic of Belarus, representatives of FSBE Roshydromet aviation meteorological center, FSBE Aviamettelecom of Roshydromet and specialists of RF scientific-research institutes, scientific production centers (associations) and education institutions, representatives of National Defense Control Center of RF, Main aviation meteorological center of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, Department of Airspace use of Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus took part for the first time.
Substantive work of 15th CCAN was held by two subcommissions: "Air Navigation subcommission" and "Aviation meteorology subcommission) which worked in accordance with their individual plans.
In the course of the second and third days participants visited “NPO LEMZ” JSC (Research and Production Corporation «LIANOZOVO ELECTROMECHANICAL PLANT») and aviation training and scientific-research center of Boeing Company in Skolkovo innovation zone.
Based on the results of the meeting, the final documents which are available in section "Activities" in subsection «Air navigation» have been prepared.
Презентации к 15 ККА.zip (75.37 MB)
Список участников совещания 15 ККА.pdf (105.69 KB)
Решение 15й ККА.pdf (144.87 KB)
Протокол 15-го заседания.pdf (207.82 KB)
Проект Положения о РГ.pdf (65.28 KB)
Проект Положение по ККА.pdf (88.33 KB)
План работы 15 ККА.pdf (101.86 KB)