The President of the Interstate Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace, Chairperson of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Tatiana Anodina has signed the Addendum to the Agreement between IAC and IATA from December 5, 1994 with the Director General Alexandre de Juniac.
This document expands the scope of close cooperation of two international organisations particularly in relation to:
- assistance in implementation of GNSS and PBN multisystems including flights to unequipped airfields;
- support of ICAO's Runway Safety Programme (Annexes 6, 11, 14, 19 ICAO) including but not limited to special workshops on the issue and practical exercises. Participation in work of local Groups on flight safety at RWY and ICAO field expert RWY Safety groups;
- considering specific climatic conditions of the contracting states of the Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace (hereinafter - Agreement) annually update Methodological recommendations "Aircraft protection from ground icing" before autumn - winter navigation and distribute them to airlines of the Member States of the Agreement for implementation;
- organisation of joint workshops on human factor and impact of aviation specialists proficiency on all aspects of flight safety with the priority for training of specialists of the new generation using experience of aviation equipment manufacturers, IATA, FAA USA, EASA, etc.;
- cooperation in implementation of continuous monitoring for flight safety level in the region considering ICAO best international practice and recommendations;
- assistance to airlines in training and conversion training of aviation specialists due to their participation in seminars, conferences and workshops held in the IAC including within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project, ICAO Programme TRAINAIR Plus Programme of the Interstate Council on Aviation and Use of Airspace and IAC based on interstate center with the involvement of IATA experts;
- enhanced collaboration aimed at implementation of IATA-IOSA standards in Member Statesf the Interstate Agreement;
- development of joint measures on participation of Member States of the Interstate Agreement in CORSIA system;
- workshops for aviation specialists of airlines of the region on aircraft support of 4th and prospective 5th generations (МС -21, А-320 neo, А – 350, Boeing – 787, etc.), until they are operated;
Full text of the Addendum in English and Russian languages is published on IAC web-site.