On 7-8 December, 2017 in the headquaters of the Interstate Aviation Committee the meeting of Aviation Security Coordination Council of the Member States of the Agreement on collaboration against acts of unlawful interference in civil aviation (Minsk, 1995) was held.
Implementation problems of recommendations the 39th Session of the ICAO Assembly (2016) on Aviation Security, and also progress in preparation of the ICAO Global aviation safety plan (GASP) which should replace the ICAO's Comprehensive Global Aviation Strategy (adopted in 2010) were discussed and reflected in final Resolution of the meeting. Participants of the meeting reached agreement on coordination of national aviation security Services in order to achieve the following results after GASP implementation:
- improve risk awareness and response to them;
- develop the culture of aviation security and human capacities;
- increase technical resources and promote innovations;
- improve supervision and quality inspection;
- reinforce cooperation between States in order to achieve key goals expeditiously and effectively.
Aviation security heads of civil aviation authorities, CIS national/state airlines and international airports, representatives of counteracting power structures and international organisations took part in the meeting.
Belykh Alexander Alexandrovich, head of the IAC aviation security coordination department was elected as a New Chairperson of Aviation Security Coordination Council.