On November 12, 2020 the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) launched a three-day online conference on Competence Based Training (CBTA/EBT), which has become an ICAO standard since November 2020. The conference is being held within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project RER/01/901 jointly with Airbus and IATA aiming to support the states of the region in introducing new technologies in training flight personnel and reducing the risk of accidents to an acceptable level.
The conference is attended by: the heads of ICAO, the Interstate Council, IAC, EASA, representatives of IATA, Airbus, Boeing, international organizations, leading specialists of the aviation administrations of the states of the region, Russian and European airlines, airports, as well as air navigation services, aviation training centers and specialized educational institutions.
The reports on the following topics were presented on the first day of the conference:
- ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices for CBTA and EBT (Ms. Gerda GARDATSCHER, ICAO, Montreal, Canada);
-EBT implementation within the European regulatory framework (Mr. Ascanio RUSSO, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Cologne, Germany);
- IATA point of view on CBTA/EBT (Mr. Stefano PROLA, International Air Transport Association (IATA), Madrid, Spain);
-EBT Roadmap Implementation (Mr. Simon HENDERSON, "EBT SOLUTIONS");
- CBTA/EBT implementation via Mixed EBT in the CIS countries (Mr. Savva FARADZHEV, Flight Methodological Council of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Moscow, RF);
-CBTA/EBT implementation practice in AEROFLOT (Mr. Evgeny KOZHEDUB, Aeroflot, Moscow, RF);
- CBTA/EBT experience in RUSSIA airline (Mr. Alexander RAKITIN, Rossiya Airlines, St. Petersburg, RF);
- "Round table". An active discussion of the reports.
188 aviation specialists from 14 states took part in the conference on November 12, 2020. During the discussion, which lasted about five hours, the participants exchanged experiences on the implementation of competence-based training (CBTA/EBT) in the countries of our region, as well as discussed issues on the topics of the reports and received practical recommendations from experts.
The conference will continue its work on November 19 and 26, 2020.
November 12: “ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices for CBTA and EBT. Commencement of application of Amendment 5 to PANS-TRG, ICAO Doc 9868 from 5 November 2020”.
November 19: “Best Practices for Successful CBTA/EBT implementation in the Industry. Roadmap development and implementation”.
November 26: CBTA/EBT Instructors training and standardization.EBT Implementation Roadmap.pdf (438.47 KB)
EBT presentation ICAO.pdf (393.61 KB)
IATA EBT workshop for CIS_Context and Perspective.pdf (1.01 MB)
Rossiya_Webinar_Last.pdf (373.18 KB)
SAVVA_SAMPLE_PDF_Moscow_CBTA_EBT_WEBINAR_12_11_2020.pdf (754.78 KB)
Практика внедрения CBTA EBT в Аэрофлоте.pdf (514.24 KB)