On 30-th March 2023 the official visit of the IAC delegation headed by the Chairman of IAC O.Storchevoy to the Republic of Armenia took place. During the visit working meetings were held with the leaders of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Civil Aviation Committee of the Republic of Armenia, Armaeronavigatsiya. At the working meetings O.Storchevoy informed the colleagues about the results of the activities of the Interstate Aviation Committee, as well as about the plans for the further development of the international cooperation.
The participants of the working meetings highly appreciated the level of interaction of IAC with the CAA of Armenia and expressed their confidence in the need to expand interaction in the field of aircraft accident investigation, certification of aircraft and aircraft equipment, aerodromes and aerodrome equipment, air navigation. Special attention was given to the problems of aviation specialists training, the solution of which, in the mutual opinion, should be started without delay and on the basis of the long-term cooperation plans.
The Interstate Aviation Committee presented and submitted for consideration a draft Agreement in the field of aircraft accident investigation and prevention between IAC and the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia.
The CAA of Armenia and IAC agreed to maintain contacts on all the issues related to ensuring flight safety in the region at a high level with the involvement in cooperation of all interested structures of the interstate and international cooperation, civil aviation bodies, aviation industry enterprises.