On November 21-22, 2023 in ICAO European and North Atlantic (ICAO EUR/NAT) Office the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation – Europe (CAPSCA EUR) Focal Persons Workshop, which was attended by the specialists of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), and delegates of the States of the ICAO European region, representatives of WHO, IATA, EASA, ACI, EU, ECDC and other international organizations, was held.
The Seminar was focused on policies, guidelines, opportunities and tools related to public health emergencies in aviation industry. There was a discussion of ideas, strategies, experience and aviation sector's readiness for future crises. The Workshop participants shared best practices for crisis management during public health emergencies.
IAC representatives and States parties to the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Use presented information on the prospects of implementing CAPSCA Programme at various levels of cooperation within the framework of industry structures of the CIS, EASA and IAC Coordinative Advisory Aeromedical Council (CAAC) on the issues of sanitary and epidemiological support in air transport of ICAO Eastern European region. The experts of IAC CAAC and CAPSCA Focal Persons of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova shared their experience of cooperation in ensuring medical support of flight safety, activities for implementing Public Health Corridors.
ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Director Nicolas Rallo and CAPSCA EUR Regional Coordinator Sarantis Poulimenakos in their speeches emphasized the importance of strengthening intersectoral, interstate and interregional cooperation, ensuring maximum readiness of the aviation system to protect public health, safe and economically viable air transport operation.
The Seminar participants noted that CAPSCA conferences and collaboration under the ICAO - WHO auspicies provide a unique opportunity to use accumulated collective knowledge, establish structures and workflows needed to manage the current situation, as well as prevent any potential public health crisis in aviation in the future.