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IAC held a round table "Regional cooperation in the field of flight safety"

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The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) jointly with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation at the site of the 15th International Economic Forum of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) - “Russia - Islamic World” organized a round table on the topic “Regional cooperation in the field of flight safety” .

The event was attended and presentations were made by: Chairman of the IAC Oleg Storchevoy, Minister of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan Azim Ibrohim, Deputy Director of the Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan Oleg Lim, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Gulnara Shyrdakbaeva, and about. Head of the Flight Safety Inspectorate of the Federal Air Transport Agency Kristina Byvalina, General Director of the ICAA “Flight Safety” Sergei Melnichenko. The event was moderated by Sergey Zaiko, Deputy Chairman of the IAC.

The participants discussed regional experience of cooperation in the field of flight safety, outlined ways to develop fruitful cooperation and expressed hope that these approaches will form the basis for the safe and sustainable functioning of civil aviation at the regional level. The importance of international and regional cooperation in the field of ensuring flight safety and the functioning of global civil aviation as a whole was noted.

In his report, Oleg Storchevoy drew attention to the need to develop and implement fundamentally new approaches to flight safety systems in connection with the intensive development of civil aviation, the introduction of new technologies and the integration of new aviation systems into it, for example, such as unmanned aircraft. One of the tools for this new approach is the development and implementation of a database for recording and analyzing flight safety events based on the ICAO ADREP classifier in the interests of the states of the region.

Solving the problem of developing a modern database is one of the priorities of the IAC. “We plan to develop such a database in cooperation with our states as a single, integrated system. When we analyze a large volume of data, this allows us to use this tool much more effectively on a large sample of events and, accordingly, to approach the problem of flight safety management more effectively,” said the IAC Chairman in his speech.

During the discussion, speakers provided information on the state of flight safety in their countries and confirmed the decisive role of regionalization in approaches to ensuring flight safety. In addition, we supported in this context the ICAO initiatives for the development of the Global Aviation Safety Oversight System - GASOS, which implies strengthening regional organizations through active participation in their development, ensuring adequate and sustainable funding mechanisms and, where appropriate, further transfer of functions to regional organizations to monitor flight safety and investigate aircraft accidents and incidents.

In this regard, the round table participants noted the positive role and work of the IAC as a regional aviation safety organization, which is carried out in the interests of the states parties to the Agreement of 1991.

Concluding the discussion on the development of regional cooperation in the field of flight safety, the round table participants noted that a safe, resilient and sustainable aviation system contributes to the economic development of states and industries. In this regard, the consolidation and competent use of resources today is an important mechanism for achieving the goals of sustainable, safe development of civil aviation, and the exchange of information, collection and analysis of data on flight safety events at the modern level and providing access to such information to the states of the region is an urgent need.

The 15th International Economic Forum of Russia and member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) - “Russia - Islamic World” was held in Kazan from May 14 to 19. The forum is an international platform for discussing issues of cooperation between states and implementing joint projects.