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IAC held a meeting with students of the Prosecutor's Office universities

Interstate aviation committee was attended by students of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office of the Moscow State Law Academy.

The event was organized for the purpose of carreer guidance, development of their competencies and obtaining of professional knowledge in the field of civil aviation. 

Leading specialists of the IAC aquainted students with organization of the process of aviation accidents investigation. The students were given lectures on the state of flight safety in Russia and the post-Soviet space, the legal basis for organizing investigations and the mechanisms of cooperation between the IAC and the procuratorial authorities in the framework of ongoing investigations.

Students were particularly interested in visiting the IAC laboratory. They were introduced to the methods of "black boxes" data decoding and modern technologies of information recovery. Information was also provided with examples of aviation accidents investigation.

A lively dialogue took place during the meeting. More than 30 students were given the opportunity not only to learn about one of the directions of civil aviation, but also to see in practice the organization of the process of aviation accidents investigation and to ask their questions to IAC specialists.

"I am sure that today’s event will allow the students of the Prosecutor’s Office universities to make a more informed choice in further specialization. Perhaps some of them in the future will be involved in such work or will be involved in scientific activities related to the peculiarities of the investigation», - said Vladimir Kofman in the conclusion of the event, Advisor to the Director of the Department of Statistical and Situational Analysis and Aviation Accidents Investigation, Methodological Support and Prevention of the IAC.

The career guidance event was organized with the assistance of Natalia Pyatibratova, Professor of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of the University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.