On 13.07.2019, near Kiselevo settlement (Kimrsky District, Tver Region, RF), an accident occurred, involving the private single-built Forsazh RA-0571G ultralight trike.
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On 27.06.2019 in Nizhneangarsk Airport (Republic of Buryatia, RF) the accident with An-24РВ RA-47366 aircraft occurred...
On 09.06.2019 in the Irkutsk Region (RF), the accident with An-2 RA-81519 aircraft owned by Fenix Airline LLC occurred.
On 08.06.2019 near Fortshtat khutor, Novokubansky District, Krasnodar Territory, RF the accident with Ikar VFSP private aircraft occurred.
On 5 June 2019 the Chairman of the IAC Investigation Commission of the fatal accident involving RRJ-95B aircraft (registration RA-89098) owned by Aeroflot, PJSC occurred on 5 May 2018 in Sheremetyevo Airport reported to the Chairman of the Government Commission, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Y. I. Deitrich and a number of members of Government Commission
Due to the recent mass media publications on investigation of the fatal accident with Superjet-100 aircraft operated by Aeroflot Russian Airlines the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) press-service infroms:
On 22.05.2019 near Zhuravskoye village, Novoselitsky district, Stavropol Krai (RF) the accident with An-2 RA-68161 aircraft occurred...
The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) Chairperson of the investigation Commission of the fatal accident involving RRJ-95B RA-89098 aircraft informs that the decoding of the accident and maintenance FDR data has been completed.
On 16.05.2019, near Kolodezny settlement, Voronezh Region, RF, the accident involving R44 RA-04196 helicopter, owned by Solnechny Helicopter Club, when performing a fields inspection flight occurred.
The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) informs that the IAC Investigation team continues its work at the accident site of RRJ-95B aircraft...
On 05.05.2019, at 18:30 local time (15:30 UTC) at Moscow Sheremetyevo international airport the fatal air accident occurred with RRJ-95B RA-89098 aircraft...
On 27.04.2019 at Kalinka airfield (Khabarovsk Krai, RF) the accident with Tungus single-built aircraft occurred...
In the period 23-25 April 2019 within the framework of the realization of the ICAO-IAC Regional Project RER/01/901 “Development of Operational Safety and Continuing Airworthiness” the Accident/Incident Investigation Seminar, organized jointly with Airbus and BEA, was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee.
From 10 to 12 April 2019 (Helsinki, Finland) experts of the Interstate Aviation Committee took part in the Seventh European Meeting of the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA–EUR/7).
On 12.04.2019, in the Krasnodar Territory (RF), an accident involving the private single-built SteP RA-0352A aircraft occurred.
On 31.03.2019, at 14:40 UTC (16:40 Moscow time), near Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport (Germany) the accident with Epic LT RA-2151G VSP aircraft owned by "Globus Airlines" Ltd occurred.
On 27.03.2019 in the area of Kubenskoye lake of the Vologda Region the accident with Р-20 "Ptenets-2P" RA-0350A FVSP private aircraft occurred.