Тu-154М EP-CPG 15.07.2009

Accident date15.07.2009
Investigation statusInvestigation is finished
Aircraft registration numberEP-CPG
Place of aircraft departureTegeran (Iran)
Airport of departureIKA (Imam Khomeini Airport)
Intended destinationErevan (Armenia)
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteIran, at a distance of 144 km from IKA Airport (Tegeran)
LatitudeN 361109.0
LongitudeE 04955032
Aircraft typeTU-154M/TU-164
Serial №87A748
Aircraft operatorCaspian Airlines
Aircraft ownerCaspian Airlines
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities168
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destructionthe aircraft is destroyed
Aviation typeCommercial air transport
Works type
Notenot counted in the statistics

15 july 2009

      According to the information available, the fatal accident with Tu-154M aircraft operated by Iran Caspian Airlines following the Tegeran-Ereven route occurred in Iran on July 15, 2009. 
      In accordance with international aviation legislation the group of experts departing Iran in order to participate in accident investigation was formed in the Interstate Aviation Committee. 
      The group is headed by Yachmenev Georgy Alexandrovich, USSR honoured pilot.
      The group activity will be carried out by aviation authorities of Islamic Republic Iran in full compliance with provisions of Annex 13 "Aircraft accident and incident investigation" to the Convention on international civil aviation (ICAO).