2 июня  «Аэропракт22L2» RA-0080А

Accident date02.06.2014
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-0080А
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteв районе п. Приамурский Еврейской области
Aircraft typeАэропракт22L2
Serial №
Aircraft operator
Aircraft ownerЧастное лицо
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities2
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destruction
Aviation type
Works type

03 june 2014

     The accident with "Seroprakt22L2" RA-0080A single-built private aircraft occurred near Priamursky village, Jewish region (RF) on June 2, 2014. According to the available information the pilot and a passenger on board were killed.
      In accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation the accident investigation is conducted by the Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team with participation of Federal Air Transport Agency.