UA-15ЛЗ RA-0412G 29.05.2009

Accident date29.05.2009
Investigation statusInvestigation is finished
Aircraft registration numberRA-0412G
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident site2 km to the south-east from Kezmino locality, Sursky district, Ulyanovsk region
Aircraft typeДельталет УС-15ЛЗ «Космос»
Serial №
Aircraft operator
Aircraft owner
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destruction
Aviation type
Works type

21 july 2009

     Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with "Cosmos"
US-15LЗ RA-0412G ultralight trike occurred in 2 km to the south-east from Kezmino locality, Sursky district, Ulyanovsk region (RF) on 29.05.2009.
      According to the Investigation team's conclusion:
     "Fatal accident with "Cosmos" US-15LЗ RA-0412G ultralight trike occurred due to its collision with forest plantation trees that was caused by untimely climbing maneuver during recovery from "crop-dusting run".
      Probably contributing factor could be pilot's performance impairment due to:
– insufficient pilot's training for crop-dusting;
– crop-dusting at the aircraft not certified for this type of aviation works;
– violation of preflight rest schedule requirements by pilot;
– application of banned chemicals during filed treatment;
– pilot operation without personal protective equipment;
– flight operation in brain bucket 5A with lowered color filter".