Accident date | 18.05.2016 |
Investigation status | The investigation is ongoing |
Aircraft registration number | 4K-AZ25 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | Dwyer Airport, Afganistan |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | Mary Airport, Turkmenistan |
Accident site | Dwyer Airport, Afganistan |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Aircraft type | AN-12 |
Serial № | |
Aircraft operator | Silk Way Airlines |
Aircraft owner | Silk Way Airlines |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | |
Number of fatalities | 7 |
Victims accuracy | |
Degree of aircraft destruction | the aircraft is destroyed |
Report | Preliminary Report (1.19 MB) Final report (4.49 MB) |
Aviation type | Commercial air transport |
Works type | |
Note |
The accident with An-12 4K-AZ25 aircraft operated by "Silk Way" Airlines occurred at "Camp Dwyer" aerodrome (Afghanistan) on May 18, 2016. The aircraft overrun the RWY during take off roll and was destroyed. According to the available information seven of the nine crew members were killed, the aircraft was destroyed.
In accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on International civil aviation (ICAO), State civil aviation Administration of Azerbaijan letter from May 24, 2016 and civil aviation Administration of Afghanistan letter from June 7, 2016 on delegation of this accident investigation authorities to the Interstate Aviation Committee the Interstate Aviation Committee formed the Investigation team of the accident with the participation of Azerbaijan specialists. In accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on international civil aviation (ICAO) the experts from Ukraine as the state of aircraft designer were involved in work.
The Interstate Aviation Committee is providing upgrade on the investigation progress of the accident with An-12B registered 4К-AZ25 operated by Silk Way Airlines.
A Preliminary Report has been released and is available at the IAC website.
This Preliminary Report has been issued in compliance with 2.4.12 of the Rules of Investigation of Accident and Incidents Involving Civil Aircraft in the Russian Federation as well as 7.4 of ICAO Annex 13. The report contains factual information currently available to the investigation team.
The investigation will be completed with a Final Report.
The information presented in the Preliminary Report is preliminary and can be subject to clarification and amendment.
The Report is published in the Russian and English languages. If there is a difference in interpretation between the Russian and English versions, the Russian version shall prevail.
Preliminary Report (1.19 MB)