Accident date | 02.09.2017 |
Investigation status | |
Aircraft registration number | RA-35171 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | at Chernoye airport (Balashikha town, Moscow region) |
Latitude | N 55°45'43'' |
Longitude | E 038°03'52.6'' |
Aircraft type | AN-2 |
Serial № | |
Aircraft operator | Private person |
Aircraft owner | Private person |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 14.02.2018 |
Number of fatalities | 2 |
Victims accuracy | |
Degree of aircraft destruction | the aircraft is destroyed |
Report | Preliminary Report (719.33 KB) Final Report (2.89 MB) |
Aviation type | GA |
Works type | |
Note |
On 02.09.2017 at Chernoye airport (Balashikha town, Moscow region) the accident with An-2 RA-35171 private aircraft occurred. According to the available information two crew members on board were killed, the aircraft was destroyed and burned down,
The Interstate Aviation Committee has appointed the Investigation team in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team has started its work.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs about the progress of Аn-2 RA-35171 private aircraft accident investigation.
Preliminary report on the investigation progress has been published on the IAC website.
Preliminary Report is issued in accordance with item 2.4.12 of the Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation regulations in the Russian Federation and item 7.4, Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO). The Report contains the actual information received by the Investigation team by now.
The Final Report will be issued on completing the investigation.
The Information presented in the Preliminary Report is preliminary and might be corrected and updated according to the investigation results.
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with An-2 RA-35171 private aircraft occurred in the Moscow region (RF) on 02.09.2017.
Most probably the fatal accident with An-2 RA-35171 aircraft was caused by the PIC's failure to take into account the peculiarity of An-2 aircraft piloting at high speeds (the required time for aircraft bank recovering increases due to decreasing of the aileron deflection angle due to cable circuit stretching caused by the significant increase of forces in the lateral control channel at speeds of 270-300 km/h) that didn't let the aircraft recover from descending when maneuvering with high bank angles at extremely low height.
Contributing factors were:
- piloting of the aircraft at modes beyond the An-2 AFM limitations;
- maneuvering at the altitude less than the specified for the demonstration flight over the airfield.
Appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results have been developed.