Ansat RA-20101 22.10.2024

Accident date22.10.2024
Investigation statusThe investigation is ongoing
Aircraft registration numberRA-20101
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteRF, Nizhny Novgorod Region, about 2 km to the north-east of Malaya Ovsyanka village
LatitudeN 56º52ʹ42.30ʺ
LongitudeE 44º57ʹ25.80ʺ в. д.
Aircraft typeАНСАТ
Serial №33168
Aircraft operatorNational Service of Sanitary Aviation, JSC
Aircraft ownerLLC «PSB Avializing»
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracyfinal
Degree of aircraft destructionthe aircraft is destroyed
Aviation typeCommercial air transport
Works type

22 october 2024

On October 22, 2024, Nizhny Novgorod Region, RF, when performing air ambulance task the accident involving Ansat RA-20101 helicopter operated by National Service of Sanitary Aviation, JSC occurred. It is reported that 2 crew members and 3 passsengers (2 medical attendants and a patient) were on board. As a result of the accident 3 persons were injured. The rotorcraft sustained substantial damage. 

The Interstate Aviation Committee has formed an Investigation team. The Investigation team has started its work.