BAe-125 RA-02773 05.06.2016

Accident date05.06.2016
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-02773
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitein Chulman Airport (Neruyngri)
LatitudeN 56°52'54''
LongitudeE 124°36'28''
Aircraft typeBAe-125
Serial №
Aircraft operator"Aerolimousine" Airlines
Aircraft ownerCATEX LLC (USA)
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)15.01.2018
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destructionaircraft substantially damaged

report_ra-02773.pdf (8.83 MB)

Aviation typeCommercial air transport
Works type

06 june 2016

Non-fatal accident with BAe-125 RA-02773 aircraft operated by "Aerolimousine" Airlines occurred in Chulman Airport (Neruyngri, RF) on June 5, 2016. According to the available information 3 crew members and 5 passengers were on board (the crew and the passengers didn't suffer), the aircraft was damaged.

The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team has started its work.

24 january 2018

The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with BAe 125-800A RA-02773 aircraft owned by Aerolimousine airline, LLC occurred in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, Russia) on 05.06.2016.

The accident with ВАе 125-800А RA-02773 aircraft occurred during the night flight, in instrument meteorological conditions, above featureless terrain, due to the crew failure in QFE adjustment during the approach descent and to the lack of ATC controlling the assigned altitude capture by the aircraft. The late crew response to the EGPWS system warnings resulted in aircraft collision with trees, separation of port wing tip with winglet, and in the performance of missed approach and landing with damaged ailerons and the elevator. 

Most probably, the accident was caused by combination of the following factors: 

  • the insufficient flight crew training meant that the pilots didn't have ATIS operation frequency of Neryungri Airport (Chulman, Russia) and they didn't know AIP requirements about additional request of pressure in hPa from the ATC controller. In Airlines FOM, there are no reference data on Neryungri Airport (Chulman, Russia);
  • crew’s inattention in the transmitted by the controller QNH and QFE interpretation;  
  • lack of specific instructions on ATM Alfa system in the documents determining the Standard Operating Procedures of ATS specialists in Neryungri Central ATM;
  • lack of the procedures to check if an aircraft captured the assigned altitude during descent and approach in the Standard Operating Procedures of the ATC controllers in Neryungri Airport (Chulman, Russia). 

Appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.