Bell-407 RA-01927 06.11.2017

Accident date06.11.2017
Investigation statusInvestigation is finished
Aircraft registration numberRA-01927
Place of aircraft departureАэропорт г. Казань
Airport of departureАэропорт г. Казань
Intended destination горнолыжный спорткомплекс "Свияжские холмы"
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteВерхнеуслонский р-н Республики Татарстан
LatitudeN 55º43′05.6″
LongitudeE 48º45′09.2″
Aircraft typeBell-407
Serial №53889
Aircraft operatorООО "Басма"
Aircraft ownerООО "Басма"
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)28.04.2020
Number of fatalities1
Victims accuracyfinal
Degree of aircraft destructionthe aircraft is destroyed

Final Report (ru) (3.55 MB)

Aviation typeGA
Works type

07 november 2017

On 06.11.2017 in Verkhneuslonsky region of the Republic of Tatarstan, the accident with Bell-407 RA-01927 (owner Basma, LLC) occurred. According the available information, the pilot was killed.

The Interstate Aviation Committee has appointed the Investigation team in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team has started its work.