Accident date | 16.01.2017 |
Investigation status | Investigation is finished |
Aircraft registration number | TC-MCL |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | Chek Lap Kok airport (VHHH, Hong Kong) |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | Ataturk airport (LTBA, Istanbul) |
Accident site | in the area of Manas Airport (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) |
Latitude | N 43⁰03.248′ |
Longitude | E 074⁰2.271′ |
Aircraft type | BOEING 747 |
Serial № | 32897 |
Aircraft operator | "ACT Airlines" (Turkey) |
Aircraft owner | LCI Freighters One Limited (Ireland) |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 17.02.2020 |
Number of fatalities | 39 |
Victims accuracy | final |
Degree of aircraft destruction | the aircraft is destroyed |
Report | Preliminary Report (1.68 MB) Final Report (4.75 MB) |
Aviation type | Commercial air transport |
Works type | |
Note |
The accident with Boeing 747-412F TC-MCL aircraft (registration of Turkey) occurred in the area of Manas Airport (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) on January 16, 2017 at 01:17 UTC (07:17 local time).
According to the available information crew members on board were killed, the aircraft was destroyed. The aircraft fell down on residential sector, there are ground fatalities. The number of fatalities is under hold.
Technical investigation of the accident is being conducted by the IAC Investigation team with participation of the Kyrgyz Republic representatives on the basis of the Interstate Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace where the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the Member States. The Investigation Team has started its work.
Representatives of Turkey as the State of the Operator and State of Registry and also the USA as the State of Design and Manufacture of the aircraft and engines are participating in the investigation team work in accordance with Annex 13 to Convention on International Civil Aviation (ICAO).
The Investigation team is working in close collaboration with the Government commission of the Kyrgyz Republic as to mitigation of consequences and provision of assistance to the families of victims.
Interstate Council on Aviation and IAC express sincere condolences to the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Turkey, victims and families of the persons killed in the fatal accident.
The flight recorders of Boeing 747-412F TC-MCL aircraft that crashed in the area of Manas Airport (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) on January 16, 2017 were delivered to the IAC laboratory.
The recorders will be opened and their conditions will be assessed jointly with representatives of Turkey participating in the investigation whose arrival is expected on January 20, 2017 in accordance with the preliminary information.
On January 19, 2017 the flight recorders of Boeing 747 412 TC-MCL aircraft (ACT Airlines (Turkey) involved in the fatal accident at aerodrome of Bishkek on January 16, 2016 were delivered to the IAC Laboratory on January 19, 2017.
Received flight recorders show significant damage and evidences of high-temperature exposure evidences. Therefore it wasn't possible to perform normal data downloading.
IAC experts in collaboration with specialists from Turkey, USA and Kyrgyz Republic provided a visual inspection, opening of recorders memory cards from protected memory units.
Activities on CVR interface recovery are in progress.
Investigation team continues the work at the accident site. Accredited representatives of National Transport Safety Board of USA (NTSB) and Accident Investigation Board of Turkey (KAIK) as well as experts from NTSB, FAA, Boeing, KAIK and ACT Airlines also participate in the investigation team activities.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the Investigation team continues its work at the accident site. By now the aircraft ground collision area was inspected, a scheme of the accident (wreckage diagram) has been made, the aircraft fragments collecting is almost completed. The Investigation team in collaboration with representatives of Kyrgyz Republic, NTSB USA and AAIB of Turkey (KAIK) analyze radar scanning data, crew-ATC communications, meteorological information.
The Interstate Aviation Committee laboratory experts in collaboration with experts of Kyrgyz Republic, Turkey, and USA have completed a cockpit voice recorder (CVR) data downloading. All recorded data has been downloaded, up to the aircraft ground collision. Quality of records is good. The experts proceeded to analysis of the flight data and of the intercabin communications' transcription.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the Investigation team of the accident with Boeing 747-412F TC-MCL aircraft has completed activities at the accident site. In the course of field phase of the investigation the wreckage plot was made using an unmanned drone. Investigation team jointly with representatives of USA National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and Accident Investigation Board of Turkey (KAIK) has examined the aircraft structure fragments, analyzed their damage, and selected units requiring examination.
Aircraft stricture fragments have been removed from the accident site and stored within Manas Airport (Bishkek). Meteorological data analysis has been completed.
In collaboration with experts of the Kyrgyz Republic, USA NTSB and KAIK of Turkey an inspection flight program has been worked out to test the ILS installed at Manas Airport.
The Investigation team is proceeding with analysis of the FDR and CVR, radar surveillance and ATC communications data. The transcript of cockpit crew communications is underway.
Investigation team has been studying flight and maintenance documentation related to the accident and analyzing crew actions. Operation of the search and rescue teams that participated in activities at the accident site is being evaluated. Investigation team work is carried out in accordance with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices in close collaboration with all parties involved in the investigation and on the basis of previously signed agreements on collaboration in the field of accident investigation and flight safety development.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the investigation of the Boeing 747‑412F TC‑MCL accident is underway. The investigation team is studying documentation related to the accident, analyzing FDR and CVR data as well as radar data.
The team has analyzed the weather conditions present at Manas International Airport by the time of the accident. The actual weather at Manas Airport for runway in use (RWY 26, heading 255°) at the time of the accident was as follows: wind 60 degrees 01 mps, visibility: runway threshold 100/RVR 400 m, runway midpoint 100/RVR 350 m, runway end 100/RVR 400 m, vertical visibility 050 m, temperature minus 09°С, dewpoint minus 10°С, QNH 1023,9 hPa, RWY 26 damp, braking action 0.6, TREND NOSIG. RWY 26 is certified for ICAO CAT II operations.
In compliance with ICAO Annex 13 Preliminary Report shall be released within 30 days after the accident. However, as the Accident Investigation Board of Turkey (KAIK) representing the State of Registry and Operator has expressed a wish to review the draft Preliminary Report, it will be released after comments from the Turkish Accredited Representative have been received.
The Interstate Aviation Committee informs that the investigation of the Boeing 747-412F TC-MCL is underway.
An inspection flight of Manas ILS has been performed as per a specifically designed program coordinated with all participating States. The results of the inspection flight are being analyzed by the investigation team as well as ILS recorded data related to its operation on the day of the accident.
In accordance with ICAO Annex 13 the investigation team is releasing Preliminary Report that contains factual information currently available to the investigation team as well as findings of examinations conducted by the time of its release. In case additional information becomes available, the Report may be clarified and updated.
The investigation team is analyzing operational and maintenance documentation related to the accident as well as onboard and ground recorders data.
A Flight Control Computer recovered from the accident site has been sent to the NTSB in Washington DC, USA for specific examinations.
Upon completion of the investigation activities, Final Report will be issued.Preliminary Report (1.68 MB)