Cessna-203 RA-67523 08.08.2015

Accident date08.08.2015
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-67523 и RA-04383
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitein the area of Lechischevo locality (Istra water storage reservoir)
Latitude56°02,288' NL
Longitude36°49,800' EL
Aircraft typeCessna-203
Serial №U20603346
Aircraft operator
Aircraft ownerPrivate person
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)30.03.2016
Number of fatalities5
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destructionthe aircraft is destroyed

report_ra-67523+04383.pdf (1.61 MB)

Aviation typeGA
Works type
NoteСвязанное событие (R-44 RA-04383): http://mak-iac.org/rassledovaniya/r-44-ra-04383-08-08-2015

10 august 2015

    The areal collision of Cessna-203 RA-67523 private aircraft with R-44 RA-04383 private helicopter occurred in the area of Lechischevo locality (Istra water storage reservoir) on August 8, 2015. According to the available information the pilot and 4 passengers were on aircraft board, the pilot and 3 passengers were heliborne. Aerial vehicles were destroyed and sank.
    The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation.

05 april 2016

The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed investigation of the accident with R-44 RA-04383 private helicopter and Cessna U206F RA-67523 private seaplane occurred in Istar reservoir aquatorium occurred, Moscow region (RF) on 8 August 2015. 

Fatal accident with Cessna U206F RA-67523 sea plane and Robinson R-44 RA-04383 helicopter was caused by their mid-air collision performing VFR flight in "G" class airspace. The collision was caused by inability of the closure sector inability from pilots duty station due to vehicles flight path and their design features.  

Performing flight using flight-information service and in compliance with FAR-293 clause 8.2.3 requirements would allow to raise pilots information awareness and probably prevent the accident.

The appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.