Accident date | 29.10.2017 |
Investigation status | |
Aircraft registration number | RA-67560 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | в аэропорту г. Бремена (Германия) |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Aircraft type | Cessna 550 |
Serial № | |
Aircraft operator | |
Aircraft owner | ООО «Тропик» |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | |
Number of fatalities | 0 |
Victims accuracy | final |
Degree of aircraft destruction | aircraft damaged |
Report | |
Aviation type | |
Works type | |
Note |
According to the available information, on 29.10.2017 at 17:40 UTC, at Bremen airport (Germany), the accident with Cessna 550 Bravo RA-67560 (owned by Tropic, LLC) occurred. The Notification received from the German investigation authority (BFU) indicates that the aircraft overrun the RWY to the left when it was landing. The aircraft was damaged; the three persons onboard were not injured.
In accordance with the ICAO Annex 13 BFU conducts the air accident investigation. The Interstate Aviation Committee assigned the accredited representative and his advisers. The Investigation team started its work.
Please, pay attention that in accordance with the ICAO Annex 13 all information related to the said investigation is to be published at the official website of the investigating authority, which is BFU (Germany). The link is