Accident date | 01.09.2013 |
Investigation status | |
Aircraft registration number | RA-67424 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | в районе г. Кандалакша Мурманской области |
Latitude | 67°06'1,8" |
Longitude | 31°56'19,9" |
Aircraft type | Cessna F-172H |
Serial № | |
Aircraft operator | АНО "Мурманский АТСК ДОСААФ РОСТО" |
Aircraft owner | РО ДОСААФ России Мурманской области |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 17.12.2013 |
Number of fatalities | 0 |
Victims accuracy | |
Degree of aircraft destruction | aircraft substantially damaged |
Report | report_ra-67424.pdf (382.31 KB) |
Aviation type | GA |
Works type | |
Note |
The accident with Cessna F-172H RA-67424 aircraft owned by Murmansk ATSK DOSAAF occurred in the area of Kandalaksha town, Murmansk region (RF) on September 1, 2013. The pilot and a passenger on board didn't suffer, the aircraft was destroyed.
The Interstate Aviation Committee has formed the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team started its work.
The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team has completed the investigation of the accident with Cessna F-172H RA-67424 aircraft owned by ANO ATSK ROSTO occured in the Murmansk region (RF) on September 1, 2013.
The accident was caused by the engine flameout in flight at the altitude about 100 m during examination of fire forest area that resulted in emergency landing on the forest and significant aircraft damage. Most probably the engine flameout was caused by the aircraft dynamic evolutions during descent and turns during examination of forest fire borders that due to the low remaining fuel resulted in denudation of fuel tanks intake fittings and air lock initiation in fuel supply line.
The accident was caused by combination of the following adverse factors:
- flight operation along the forest fire border at the below specified altitude that excluded the possibility of engine start under engine failure in flight;
- non-compliance with aircraft FOM in aircraft piloting with with low remaining fuel.
The appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.