MI-2 RA-23786 30.11.2015

Accident date30.11.2015
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-23786
Place of aircraft departureп.п. "Излучина"
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident sitewithin Elizovo city
Latitude53°11'40'' NL
Longitude158°23'12'' EL
Aircraft typeMI-2
Serial №
Aircraft operator"Purga" Airlines GPA
Aircraft owner"Purga" Airlines GPA
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)22.04.2016
Number of fatalities1
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destructionaircraft substantially damaged

report_ra-23786.pdf (1.32 MB)

Aviation typeGA
Works type

30 november 2015

     The accident with Mi-2 RA-23786 owned by "Purga" Airlines GPA occurred within Elizovo city (RF) on November 30, 2015. According to the available information a pilot and 2 passengers were on board. The accident resulted in one passenger fatality, the pilot and the second passenger were injured, the rotorcraft sustained substantial damage.
     The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned the Investigation team of this accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team has started its work.

16 may 2016

The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-2 RA-23786 helicopter owned by "Purga" company Ltd occurred in the Kamchatka region on November 29, 2015. 

The accident with Mi-2 RA-23786 helicopter was caused by PIC's errors in the helicopter piloting technique resulted in loss of monitoring for flight and rotor speed during the emergency landing with autorotting rotor caused by unintentional helicopter engine shutoff by the passenger located in the right-hand seat of the pilot cabin.

The contributing factors were:

-     deficiencies in location and route of the radio headset chord allowing free encounter of overhanging part of the chord under handles of fuel emergency shutoff valve which can provoke the valves shutoff; 

- the lack of protection of handles of fuel emergency shutoff valves from foreign objects and radio headset chord encounter under them;

- non-compliance with FAR-128 by PIC in the part of safety belts usage by the passenger located in the right-hand seat of the pilot cabin.

The appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.