Ми-8АМТ RA-22423 31.05.2014

Accident date31.05.2014
Investigation status
Aircraft registration numberRA-22423
Place of aircraft departure
Airport of departure
Intended destination
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteв акватории озера «Мунозеро» Мурманской области
Aircraft typeМи-8АМТ
Serial №
Aircraft operator
Aircraft ownerЗАО «АК «СПАРК авиа»
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities16
Victims accuracy
Degree of aircraft destruction
Aviation type
Works type

02 june 2014

     The accident with Mi-8AMT RA-22423 helicopter owned by "AK "SPARK" CJSC occurred in "Munozero" lake aquatorium on May 31, 2014. According to the available information 5 crew members and 13 passengers were on board. The accident resulted in 16 fatalities, 2 people were injured. The rotorcraft was destroyed and sank.
      The Interstate Aviation Committee has formed the Investigation team of the accident in accordance with the Russian Aviation Legislation. The Investigation team started its work.

03 june 2014

     The Investigation team Chairman of the fatal accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that the Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee continues its activities at the accident site. The activities are carried out in strict compliance with aircraft accident and incident investigation regulations of the Russian Federation and in cooperation with Federal Air Transport Agency, Rosgidromet, Ministry of Emergency Situation, Ministry of Defense, Investigative Committee and Public Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation.
      Cockpit voice recorder was detected at the helicopter impact location, it will be delivered to the IAC laboratory for transcript. Activities on helicopter lifting are in progress.
      The investigation team continues its work.

04 june 2014

     The IAC Investigation team of the accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that the accident flight data recorder is detected at the accident site. In the nearest future it will be delivered to the IAC laboratory for decoding.
      Activities on the helicopter lifting from water in cooperation with Ministry of Emergency Situation of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Investigative Committee and Public Prosecution Office are in progress at the accident site. It is planned to implement helicopters for lifting.
      Subcommissions and working groups analyse the crew level of training, compliance with mainenance procedure of aviation equipment, meteorological conditions and the procedure of emergency flight management and operation using all avaliable data (flight and technical documentation, meteorological documentation, eye-witness testimony, etc.) After helicopter lifting the engineering and technical subcommission will proceed to its condition and damage analysis.
      The Investigation team continues its work.

06 june 2014

     The Interstate Aviation Committee Investigation team of the accident with Mi-8АМТ RA-22423 helicopter informs that the evacuation of the helicopter fragments from the accident site was carried out on June 5, 2014. Engineering and technical subcommission proceeded to the fragments layout and damage analysis.
      Flight recorders (CVR and FDR) data reading was carried out in the IAC laboratory. Primary analysis revealed that both recorders have emergency flight recording. Experts proceeded to CVR transcript and crew speech log making registered by cockpit voice recoreder. 
      The Investigation team continues its work.

22 january 2015

      The Investigation team of the Interstate Aviation Committee has completed the investigation of the accident with Mi-8AMT RA-22423 helicopter owned by "SPARK avia" Airlines CJSC which occurred in the Murmansk region (RF) on May 31, 2014.
      The fatal accident with Mi-8АМТ RA 22423 helicopter was caused by the violation of VFR rules by the crew that resulted in operation at the lower than safe altitude and continuation of descending at the low-altitude when entering in instrument meteorological conditions resulted in rotorcraft lake surface collection during controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).
      The following factors are connected with the accident:
      • PIC's indecision about returning to the departure point or about landing at the selected from the air ground under the weather deterioration to the values which do not allow to perform the VFR flight;
      • not setting the index of radio altimeter specified altitude to the appropriate value of the dangerous altitude;
      • deficiencies in crew members counteraction resulted in loss of flight altitude monitoring;
      • imperfection of crew members training on prevention of aircraft controlled flight into terrain (CFIT);
      • possible fatigue of crew members because of the significant exceeding of maximum duration of flight duty period.
      The lack of distinct and precise strategy in the development and realization of CFIT prevention programs during VFR flights could contribute to the fact that the operator didn't take necessary measures in training of command and air staff in the given field.
      Imperfections of flight operations safety management system of "AK "SPARK avia" CJSC Airline didn't allow to identify and eliminate risks in operation activity that influence the flight safety. There was no full supervision over safe flight operation by the aircraft crew according to the flight data recorders.
     The appropriate safety recommendations based on the investigation results were developed.