MI-8T RA-22744 08.08.2024

Accident date08.08.2024
Investigation statusThe investigation is ongoing
Aircraft registration numberRA-22744
Place of aircraft departureLP 13A
Airport of departure
Intended destinationThe site, selected from the air in the area of ​​LP 13A
Intended Airport of arrival
Accident siteRussian Federation, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Suntarsky ulus, 95 km northeast of the village of Suntar
LatitudeN 62°19’18.30”
LongitudeE 119°28’19.20”
Aircraft typeMI-8T
Serial №98311127
Aircraft operatorJSC "ALROSA Airlines"
Aircraft ownerJSC "ALROSA Airlines"
The date of the completion of the investigation (report)
Number of fatalities0
Victims accuracyfinal
Degree of aircraft destructionaircraft damaged
Aviation typeCommercial air transport
Works type

09 august 2024

On August 8, 2024, near Suntar settlement, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia, RF), the accident involving the Mi-8Т RA-22744 helicopter owned by Alrosa Air Company, CJSC,  occurred. It is reported that 3 crew members and 8 passengers on board were not injured, the rotorcraft was damaged.

The Interstate Aviation Committee has formed the Investigation team. The Investigation team has started its work.